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Facts and Forensics – AFI-LLC – May 2022                                          4 of 4

        Is YOUR Association Participating? Associations Member Discounts and Donations to Associations
        Visit for details to join each association and for special member discounts
        and association revenue sharing donations.

        Board Certified Forensic Death Investigator (CFDI) Program
                                Enrollment is now open for the new Board Certified in Advanced Death
                                Investigations Program exclusively partnered and offered with the Criminal
                                Defense Investigation Training Council. Details at

                                   Exclusively with the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council!
                                         Enrollment NOW OPEN – With Pre-Requisite Discount!

        FREE Distance Learning Webinar for May:
                                       Each month one of our core training videos is FREE to download and view, or listen to
                                       as a podcast.

                                       “Time is Money – Bending Space and Time”

                                       - Learning from non-traditional and outside-the-box sources
                                       - Develop strategies to charge and earn for the value of your services
                                       - Strategies to create more time and direct earnings potential
                                       - Resources and helpful tips to increasing productivity and efficiency
        - Better and more efficient email, text, faxing, and phone communications
        -- AND MORE!!

        Books available from Associates in Forensic Investigations
        Visit for book
        details and ordering your personalized copy direct
        from our agency.

        Together Dean and Karen have written three
        books specifically for legal investigators – from
        the basics for all investigations, to the protocols
        of legal investigations, and the specialized area of
        death and serious bodily injury investigations.

        Intended for legal investigators in all areas of civil
        and criminal litigation.

                  Be sure and ask about free access to over three dozen articles also for legal investigators!

                                      Copyright © 2022 Associates in Forensic Investigations, All Rights Reserved
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