Page 22 - Beers With Our Founding Fathers
P. 22

Beers with our Founding Fathers

        thought processes of this work.  We are all the players in a Ponzi

        scheme of indescribable proportions and consequences.
            There is no book that can relate the full history of our Country.

        There are many that do an excellent job, others that are piss poor,
        and many that are influenced by a personal agenda.  This work is

        also a personal agenda, in hopes to share with you, the reader.
        Sadly, common sense took a different direction, emotions have

        taken over, and informed (intelligent) thought processes are gone.
        The mind and heart must work together.

            Probably the impetus for this work was a combination of social
        media, mass media and witnessing one of the worst times in

        modern history of this greatest Nation and for the collective citizens.
        No more Melting Pot – that pot has melted.  It is now each person

        for themselves – what is in it for me syndrome, an emotional civil
        war.  For at least fifty years our Country has been sliding away from

        a republic of free thinking capitalism, to a socialist state of group
        think and government handouts.  We are now in a state of

        emergency, there is not enough taxable income to sustain what has
        been impaled upon us since 2006, or what the next ten years would

        be; it will dogpile on our debt and deficit.  Why is income taxed?
        What happened to the sovereign states?  What happened to be

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