Page 13 - Treating pain with acupuncture FB
P. 13
Effective treatment: How not to waste money,
time and effort.
For acupuncture to effectively treat pain and
injury, consistent signals need to be sent so that
pain signals begin to decrease and the tissues begin
to heal.
If your pain is less than 3 months old and is a
6/10 or less in severity, a significant decrease in
pain is seen in most patients in about 2 weeks of
treatment 3x/week. If your pain is more than 3
months old or a 7/10 or greater in severity, it
usually takes 2 - 4 weeks of treatment to see and
keep a significant decrease in pain.
If you are not getting better by these time
periods, then acupuncture will probably not treat
your pain and it is unethical of anyone practicing
medicine (including me) to keep you coming back
without a noticeable improvement in your pain.
The easiest way to tell that treatment is working
and you are moving out of the inflammation stage
is that the pain continues to decrease.