Page 149 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 149


               5.3 Audit procedures

                    Determining whether events up to the date of the auditor's report provide
                     additional evidence with regard to the appropriateness of estimates.

                    Testing how management made their estimates and evaluating whether the
                     method is appropriate.

                    Testing the effectiveness of controls over estimations.

                    Developing a point estimate to use in comparison to managements'.

                    If there are significant risks associated with estimates the auditor should also
                     enquire whether management considered any alternative assumptions and why
                     they rejected them and whether the assumptions used are reasonable in the

                    Obtain written representations from management confirming that they believe
                     the assumptions used in making estimates are reasonable.

                    Verify the external prices used to value financial instruments.

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