Page 191 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 191


               Specific examples include:

                    Significant fraud risk

                    Goodwill

                    Valuation of financial instruments

                    Fair values

                    Effects of new accounting standards

                    Revenue recognition

                    Material provisions such as a restructuring provision

                    Implementation of a new IT system, or significant changes to an existing system

               Note that a matter giving rise to a qualified or adverse opinion, or a material
               uncertainty related to going concern are by their nature key audit matters.

               However, they would not be described in this section of the report. Instead, a
               reference to the Basis for qualified or adverse opinion or the going concern section
               would be included.

               If there are no key audit matters to communicate, the auditor shall:

                    Discuss this with the engagement quality control reviewer, if one has been

                    Communicate this conclusion to those charged with governance.

                    Explain in the key audit matters section of the auditor's report that there are no
                     matters to report.

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