Page 215 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 215

Review of interim financial information

                           Planning and performing the review

               3.1  Main principles of a review engagement

               When performing a review engagement practitioners must:

                    Comply with the ethical requirements of ACCA's code of conduct and ISRE
                     2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent
                     Auditor of the Entity.

                    Implement appropriate quality control procedures.

                    Consider whether the engagement should be accepted such as whether the
                     practitioner has the necessary competence and available resources.

                    Agree the terms of engagement in an engagement letter.

                    Plan the engagement so that it will be performed effectively including:

                          Applying professional scepticism.

                          Obtaining an understanding of the subject matter and other engagement
                           circumstances to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement.

                          Assessing the suitability of the criteria to evaluate the subject matter.

                          Consideration of materiality and engagement risk.

                    Obtain sufficient appropriate evidence on which to base the conclusion.

                    Consider subsequent events.

                    Document matters significant in providing evidence that supports the
                     engagement report.

                    Provide a clear written expression of their conclusion about the subject matter

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