Page 27 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 27

Code of ethics and conduct

                           The Conceptual Framework

               There are two main approaches to ethical guidance:

               Principles based approach                      Rules based approach

                    Flexible, so can be applied to new,          May be easier to follow because it is
                     unusual or rapidly changing                   clearly defined
                                                                  Needs frequent updating to ensure
                    Principles may be applied across              the guidance applies to new
                     national boundaries where laws                situations
                     may not
                                                                  May encourage accountants to
                    Requires the accountant to use                interpret requirements narrowly in
                     professional judgment                         order to get round the spirit of the
                    Requires compliance with the spirit
                     of the guidance

                    Can still incorporate specific rules
                     for ethical situations likely to affect
                     many firms.

               A conceptual framework relies on a principles-based approach rather than a rules-
               based approach.

               The International Federation of Accountants has issued a Code of Ethics which
               follows a conceptual framework approach.

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