Page 76 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 76

Chapter 6 4

               2.3  Information required for the proposal

                    The fee and how it has been calculated

                    The nature, purpose and legal requirements of an audit

                    An assessment of the requirements of the client

                    An outline of how the audit firm proposes to satisfy those requirements and the
                     assumptions made, e.g. on geographical coverage, deadlines, work done by
                     client, availability of information, etc.

                    The proposed approach to the audit or audit methodology

                    An outline of the firm and its personnel

                    Quality control procedures of the firm including those relevant to the

                    The ability of the firm to offer other services

               2.4  Selection process of the proposal

               A survey of audit committees found that the selection process for tenders focused on:

                    Independence.

                    Judgment and scepticism of key audit partners.

                    Evidence of internal and external quality reviews.

               Price was not the deciding factor.

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