Page 82 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 82

Chapter 6 4

               4.4  References to fees in promotional material

                    Where reference is made in promotional material to fees, the basis on which
                     those fees are calculated should be clearly stated.

                    Members may make comparisons in their promotional material between their
                     fees and the fees of other accounting practices provided that it does not give a
                     misleading impression.

                    Promotional material that is based on the offer of percentage discounts on
                     existing fees is permitted but must not detract from the professional image of
                     the firm and the profession as a whole.

                    Members may offer a free consultation to potential clients, at which levels of
                     fees will be discussed.

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Now try TYU question 2 from Chapter 6

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