Page 213 - Microsoft Word - 00 CIMA F1 Prelims STUDENT 2018.docx
P. 213
Managing conflict, implementation and post completion
1.1 Stakeholder objectives
With any business strategy or investment decision there are likely to be conflicting
stakeholder objectives. For example:
spending extra to reduce the environmental impact of a project may be valued
by local government but may be at the expense of reduced profits for
paying higher wages and offering better healthcare may result in a more
satisfied workforce but does this necessarily result in higher profit for
having night-time deliveries may improve responsiveness to customer needs
but at the expense of noise to the local community who live near the factory.
1.2 Investment metrics
By using NPV as an investment metric, shareholder wealth objectives have
effectively been prioritised.
It is often during the implementation phase that other stakeholders’ views come
back into focus.
1.3 Strategic implementation
A system of control measures and indicators can help ensure that the strategy
is delivered and that the views of different stakeholders are incorporated.