Page 2 - CIMA MCS Workbook February 2019 - Day 1 Suggested Solutions
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               Why do most practices have   …uneconomic to run a practice with a single dentist, given the
               one than one dentist?       need to staff the reception area and manage the practice
                                           administration (page 10)

               How can patients pay for    …VHS pays for basic health care for all citizens.
               dental care?
                                           …patients can buy dental health insurance that covers the cost of
                                           regular preventive care, such as check‐ups and hygienist visits, and
                                           also the cost of most treatments that the dentist deems necessary.

                                           …patients can simply pay for all treatments as they go (page 11)

               What treatment is not       …everything except dental implants, which are too expensive to
               covered by dental health    include in the policy…may also have to pay a contribution towards
               insurance?                  more elaborate crowns and cosmetic treatments (page 11)

               What is Crowncare’s group   … offering a high‐quality service, both in terms of clinical
               strategy?                   excellence and presentation (page 12).

               What percentage of time     …80% workload in terms of treating patients (page 13)
               should the heads of the
               dental practices spend on
               their clinical work?

               Why is Crowncare reliant on   … the management of all aspects of its operations. The company
               IT?                         operates in a paperless environment (page 14)

               What does the practice      … to invoice the insurer or the patient, as appropriate, for the work
               manager use the IT system   that has been completed (page 15)
               to produce?

               How does the IT system      … tracks the financial aspects of each patient’s course of treatment
               assist the assist the       and determines the appropriate charge on the basis of inputs
               accounting function of each   made by the dental nurse during each appointment (page 15)

               What percentages of the     …30% treat VHS patients only (page 15)
               other dentists in Capital City
               treat VHS patients only?

               How do Crowncare’s          … partly through the promotion of high‐margin treatments, such
               revenues continue to grow?   as dental implants, and partly through the acquisition of other
                                           practices (page 15)

               What does dental insurance   … dental insurance covers the cost of the dentist’s time for
               with National Dental cover?   preparation work and fitting of crowns and bridges (page 16)

               How many of Crowncare’s     … roughly 90% of Crowncare’s patients have dental insurance
               patients have dental        (page 16)

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