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P. 130
Chapter 8
The Black-Scholes Option Pricing
(BSOP) model
2.1 The five key factors impacting option value
Option value
Intrinsic value Time value
Intrinsic value is found by comparing:
1 The exercise price (P ), with
2 The price of the underlying asset (P )
e.g. for a call option
P a ($) 80 90 100 110 120
P e ($) 100 100 100 100 100
0 0 0 10 20
value ($)
Out of the In the
money money
3 Time to expiry in years (t)
Long-time => higher chance of profit before expiry date=> higher option
4 Volatility, measured as standard deviation (s)
High volatility => higher chance of profit before expiry date=> higher
option value
5 Risk free interest rate (r)
Call option => asset purchase is delayed => call option is more valuable
when interest rates are high (opposite for put)