Page 2 - MCS August Day 1 Suggested Solutions
P. 2


               What percentage of total    35% (p13)
               manufacturing costs is
               attributable to grinding and
               polishing the FZ480 lens?

               What are Montel’s camera    Metal…they are stronger and thinner (p14)
               cases made from? Why?

               Why does Montel             …to ensure quality and to protect intellectual property (p14)
               manufacture its own

               How are direct sales of     Though 100 Montel branded shops (p15)
               Montel’s cameras made?

               How many retailers are      1800 (p15)
               authorised to sell premium
               DSLR camera bodies?

               What are the “rigorous      …suitably trained sales advisers who can offer the same level of
               selection criteria” Montel   advice as staff in Montel branded shops (p15)
               imposes on specialist third
               party camera shops which
               sell its cameras and lenses?

               By how much did the actual   F$ 24,5m (p15)
               sales of professional range
               of bodes and lenses from
               Montel – branded shops
               miss budget?

               How many regional sales     Three (p16)
               offices are there?

               What are the different      Professional DSLR’s; budget DSLRs and CSCs (p16)
               categories of equipment by
               which sales are broken

               How are sales budgets set   …set for each category on a regional basis (p16)
               for each category of

               What is Montel’s basic      …to maintain market share…through technical innovation and
               strategy? How does it plan   product quality (p17)
               to do this?

               How does Montel plan to     …do not necessarily aim to grow…but will pursue any opportunities
               grow?                       for organic growth…and is open to the possibility of acquisitions

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