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P. 140

Chapter 11

               2.3   Fair value through profit or loss

               The accounting treatment of financial liabilities categorised as fair value through profit
               or loss is as follows:

                    They are initially recognised at fair value (normally the proceeds received)
                     with any transaction costs (such as legal or broker fees) expensed to profit or

                    They are subsequently remeasured to fair value at each reporting date with
                     the gain or loss in profit or loss.

               If the liability has been designated to be measured at fair value to reduce an
               accounting mismatch then the movement in fair value is split into two components:

                    the fair value change due to own credit risk (the risk that the entity which has
                     issued the financial liability will be unable to repay or discharge it), which is
                     presented in other comprehensive income

                    the remaining fair value change, which is presented in profit or loss.

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Now try TYU question 3 from Chapter 11.

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