Page 29 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 29
Performance reporting and performance appraisal
Other comprehensive income is incomes and expenses recognised
outside of profit or loss (as required by particular IFRS Standards)
Total comprehensive income is the total of an entity’s profit (or loss)
and other comprehensive income for the period.
Items of other comprehensive income must be presented under one of two
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in the future:
– changes in revaluation surplus (Chapter 5)
– remeasurement components (Chapter 8)
– remeasurements of investments in equity instruments (Chapter 11)
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss in the future:
– foreign exchange gains or losses on the translation of a foreign operation
(Chapter 23)
– gains and losses on cash flow hedges (Chapter 11)
– remeasurements of investments in debt instruments (Chapter 11)