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P. 70

Chapter 5

               6.2   Summary of recognition and measurement

                                     Recoverable amount
                                            higher of:

                                  –  Value in use
                                  –  Fair value less costs to sell

                                      If carrying amount >                  CGU is the smallest
                                   recoverable amount then                  group of assets that
                                       write down assets                   generates cash flows

                      Normally charge                      For cash generating units
                            to P/L                         (CGU) allocate impairment
                                                             firstly to goodwill then to
                                                           other assets in proportion to
                                                                 carrying amount

                      Charge to OCI to
                         revaluation                An asset can’t be         Impairment can
                       reserve exists.              reduced below its           be reversed
                                                       recoverable               (except for
                        Excess to P/L                    amount                   goodwill)

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Now try TYUs 4 – 8 from Chapter 5.

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