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P. 255

Corporate administration

                            Procedure at meetings

                             A quorum is the minimum number of members that needs to be present
                             at a meeting in order to validate business. It is generally two persons,
                             members or proxies.  If a quorum is not present the meeting is often
                             described as being inquorate.

                             Voting is by a show of hands initially, unless a poll is demanded. A
                             show of hands means one member one vote, irrespective of the number
                             of shares held.

                             A poll may be demanded by members holding at least 10% of the total
                             voting rights. A poll means the member get the number of votes they
                             are entitled to by their shareholding.  The result of a poll replaces the
                             result of the previous show of hands. Quoted companies must publish
                             the results of polls on their website: s.341 CA 2006.

                             Members of companies have a statutory right under s.324 to appoint
                             one or more persons as their ‘proxy’. A proxy can attend meetings, vote
                             and speak on behalf of the member for whom he is acting.

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