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P. 287

Corporate and fraudulent behaviour

                            Fraudulent and wrongful trading

                                   Fraudulent trading                  Wrongful trading

               Definition          The company’s business is           On winding-up it appears to the
                                   carried on with intent to           court that the company has
                                   defraud creditors and other         gone into insolvent liquidation
                                   persons or for fraudulent           and, before the start of the
                                   purpose.                            winding up, a director knew or
                                                                       ought to have concluded there
                                   The offence may be criminal or      was no reasonable prospect
                                   civil and could involve just a      that company could avoid
                                   single transaction.                 insolvent liquidation and did
                                                                       not take sufficient steps to
                                   Note: there is a high burden of     minimise potential loss to
                                   proof involved in proving           creditors: S.214 Insolvency Act
                                   dishonesty.                         1986 (IA86).

                                                                       Is a civil offence.

               Who is liable?      Any persons knowingly party to      Directors and shadow directors.
                                   the carrying on of the business.
                                   This applies to persons taking      Standard applied is that of a
                                   the decisions or playing an         reasonably diligent director
                                   active part in the business.        taking the steps expected of a
                                                                       reasonable director.

               Consequences  Must contribute to the                    Contribute to company’s assets.
                                   company’s assets on a winding       Up to 15 years’ disqualification
                                   up: s.213 IA86. Up to 15 years’     under CDDA86.
                                   disqualification under the
                                   Company Directors
                                   Disqualification Act 1986
                                   (CDDA86). Fine and/or
                                   imprisonment for up to 10 years:
                                   s.993 CA06.

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