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P. 93

The law of torts

                  Lord Morris said the following: ‘If someone possessed of a special skill
                  undertakes….to apply that skill for the assistance of another person who relies on
                  that skill, a duty of care will arise…if, in a sphere in which a person is so placed
                  that others could reasonably rely on his skill…a person takes it upon himself to
                  give information or advice to…another person who, as he knows or should know,

                  will place reliance on it, then a duty of care will arise.’

               The effect of HEDLEY BYRNE

               The above case created a new duty situation by recognising liability for negligent
               misstatement causing economic loss in circumstances where there exists a ‘special
               relationship’ between the parties.

               Cases involving negligent misstatement are usually concerned with establishing
               whether or not a duty arises and it is difficult to establish clear principles to apply as
               the law has evolved on a case-by-case basis.

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