Page 27 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 27
Elements Of Fair Value Measurement
Listed investments
• On 31 December 20.13 Serviplex's listed investments consisting of equity
investments had a total net market value of R5 247 000 after brokerage
fees of 1% was deducted. These investments are traded in an active market.
The fair value of these investments was R5 020 000 at 31 December 20.12.
These investments were classified as measured at fair value through profit
or loss.
Unlisted investments
• Serviplex obtained a 10% interest in Anfield Ltd on 3 February 20.12 for R3
042 000. The fair value and carrying amount of the investment were R3 100
000 at 31 December 20.12. On 31 December 20.13 the accountant of
Serviplex calculated the fair value of the investment in Anfield Ltd by using
a significantly adjusted after tax earnings yield of 18% and sustainable
before tax earnings of R802 000 as input variables in the measurement
calculations. The tax rate is 28%. This investment was classified as
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.