Page 189 - Microsoft Word - 00 IWB ACCA F7.docx
P. 189

IAS 37 and IAS 10

                             Events after the reporting period

               4.1  Definition

                             An event after the reporting period is one which occurs between the
                             reporting date and the date when the financial statements are
                             authorised for issue.

               4.2  Accounting for events after the reporting period

                                    Event after the reporting period

                              Provides                        Does not provide
                           evidence about                      evidence about
                            conditions at                        conditions at
                           reporting date                       reporting date

                                                                                 If no impact on
                          Adjust financial               Impacts going
                             statements                     concern              going concern
                                                                                   then do not
                                                                                 adjust financial


                                                                                   If material,
                                                                                 disclose effect.

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