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P. 36

Chapter 2

                             IAS 40 Investment Property

               6.1  Definition

                             Investment property is land and/or a building held for rental income
                             and/or capital appreciation, rather than for use by the entity or for sale
                             in the ordinary course of business

               6.2  IAS 40 Choices

                                                                                  Fair value
                        Cost model                                                  model

                     Initial cost less accumulated                            Revalued to fair value
                     depreciation as per IAS 16                               each year

               6.3  Cost model

               The cost model for investment property is the same as for property held under IAS
               16, with depreciation charged as an expense in the statement of profit or loss each

               6.4  Fair value model

               Investment property under the fair value model is accounted for differently to property
               under the IAS 16 revaluation model:

                    investment property is revalued to fair value at the end of each year

                    any gain or loss is taken to the statement of profit or loss, rather than other
                     comprehensive income

                    no depreciation is charged.

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