Page 14 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 14
Structure and content: Statement of changes in
equity (IAS 1 par .106–.110)
• A statement of changes in equity forms part of the
financial statements. What is essentially required is a
reconciliation of equity at the beginning of the financial
year with equity at the end of the financial year.
• The statement should include the following:
• total comprehensive income for the period, showing separately
the total amounts attributable to owners of the parent and non-
controlling interest;
• the effects of retrospective application or retrospective
restatement recognised in accordance with IAS 8 for each
component of equity; and
• for each component of equity, a reconciliation between the
carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period.
• Dividends paid for the period and related dividend per
share can be disclosed either in the statement of changes
in equity or in the notes.