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P. 44
Chapter 3
3.4 Bonds
Return Low (Includes interest and redemption premium)
Risk Low (e.g. usually secured, fixed coupon rate)
Timescales Vary from very short term to > 25 years
Liquidity Good if quoted companies, must wait for redemption if unquoted
3.5 Certificates of deposit (CDs)
Return Very low
Risk Very low
Timescales Typically 3 and 6 months
Liquidity Can be readily sold on money markets
3.6 Credit agreements (e.g. credit cards, store HP agreements)
Cost Very high – typically 25–30%
Risk The credit card company faces the risk of default – unsecured
Timescales Supposed to be short term
Liquidity The debt cannot be resold by the lender but the borrower may be
able to repay early if funds permit.