Page 313 - Microsoft Word - 00 ACCA F9 IWB prelims 2017.docx
P. 313
The cost of ccapital
Esttimatinng thee cost of preeference
k p == –––
P 0
k p == cost of the preference share
D = constant aannual preeference dividend
Pₒ == ex div maarket price of a sharee
N.B. The fixedd preferencce share dividend is aalways bassed on thee
nomminal valuee of the shaare, which may vary.
Quuestionn 10
Cost of preferrence shares
Bishhop Co hass 100,000 118% preferrence sharres in issuee with a noominal valuue of
$0.550 each. TThe currentt ex div maarket value is $1.75.
Calcculate the ccost of the preferencee shares.
Kp == D/P 0
Ke == ($0.50 × 18%)/$1.775 = 0.051 or 5.1%
Illuustratioons annd furrther ppracticce
Noww try TYU qquestion 100 from Chaapter 17.