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P. 139

Payables, provisions and contingent liabilities

               2.3 Contingent liabilities and contingent assets

               When a provision is not recognised in the financial statements because it does not
               meet the criteria specified, it may still need to be disclosed as a contingent liability in
               the financial statements.

               IAS 37 defines a contingent liability as:

               (1)  A possible obligation that arises from past events; or

               (2)  A probable obligation that arises from past events but the amount of the
                     obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.

               The accounting treatment of contingent liabilities and contingent assets may be
               summarised as follows:

               Probability of occurrence         Contingent liabilities           Contingent assets

               Virtually certain >95%                    Provide                       Recognise

               Probable 51% – 95%                        Provide                    Disclosure note

               Possible  5% – 50%                    Disclosure note                     Ignore

               Remote <5%                                 Ignore                         Ignore

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