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P. 165

Accoounting rreconciliations

                           Pettty cassh recoonciliaation

               3.1  OOverview

                             Thee purpose of a pettyy cash reconciliationn is to cheeck the
                             acccuracy of aan entity’ss accountiing for pettty cash trransactionns

               The steeps requireed to perform a petty cash recoonciliation aare as folloows:

                                                           Stepp 2
                      Confirm thhe
                       balance per the
                       petty cashh book              CCount cashh
                                                      ffloat on hand.               CCash float oon
                                                                                     haand plus
                                                     CConfirm vaalue                reeceipts =
                                                      oof receipts for               baalance perr
                            Steep 1                   aamounts                       peetty cash bbook
                                                      rreimbursedd not
                                                      yyet in pettyy
                                                      ccash book                          Step 3

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