Page 241 - Microsoft Word - 00 - Prelims.docx
P. 241
Consolidated financial statements I
3.2 Pro-forma
The easiest way to set up your pro-forma is to use the single entity financial
statements given in the question for the parent and subsidiary and copy them line-by-
line, remembering to include your additional consolidation lines for goodwill and non-
controlling interest (and also leaving some space for adding/subtracting amounts as
indicated in the pro-forma below).
$ $
Non-Current Assets
Goodwill (W3) – new line! X
Property, plant and equipment X
(P + S + fair value adj – PURP on sale)
Investment in associate (see next chapter)
––– X
Current Assets
Inventories (P + S – PURP) X
Trade receivables (P + S – intra-group balances) X
Cash and cash equivalents (P + S) X
––– X
Total assets X