Page 13 - F2 - MA Integrated Workbook STUDENT 2018-19
P. 13

Accounting for management

               2.2  Attributes of good information

               A useful way to remember the characteristics of good information is:

               A     Accurate

               C     Complete

               C     Cost effective

               U     Understandable

               R     Relevant

               A     Accessible

               T     Timely

               E     Easy to use

                   Test your understanding 1

                   Miss M is a management accountant.  One of her roles is to provide each
                   functional manager with a monthly report.  The production manager has
                   complained to M about his report stating the following:

                        The report for month 2 was not received until month 5

                        The report contained too much technical terminology

                        The report was too long which made it difficult for him to find the parts he
                         really needed and some of the important information he required was

                   Which elements of ACCURATE has M NOT managed to address in her report
                   for the production manager?

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