Page 16 - Microsoft Word - 00 ACCA F2 Prelims.docx
P. 16

Chaptter 1

                           Financial and mmanagement acccounting

               The maain role of ffinancial accounting is to produuce the staatutory finaancial stateements,
               whereaas manageement accoountants prrovide anyy informatioon needed by managgement.

                                     Financcial accounting               Maanagemennt accountting





               Cost acccounting iis a systemm for recordding data aand produccing informmation about
               costs foor the prodducts produuced by ann organisattion and/orr the servicces it provides. It
               is also used to esstablish cossts for partticular activvities or responsibility y centres.

                  Illuustratioons annd furrther ppracticce

                  Noww try TYU qquestions 33 and 4 from Chapterr 1

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