Page 119 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 119
Group and transnational audits
Auditing the consolidation schedule
4.1 Audit procedures
Agree the figures from the component financial statements into the
consolidation schedule to ensure accuracy.
Recalculate the consolidation schedule to ensure arithmetical accuracy.
Recalculate the translation of any foreign components to ensure accuracy.
Recalculate any non-controlling interest balances to verify accuracy.
Agree the date of any acquisitions or disposals and recalculate the time
apportionment of the results for these components included in the consolidation.
Evaluate the classification of the component (i.e. subsidiary, associate, joint
venture etc.) to ensure this is still appropriate.
For investments in associates ensure that these are accounted for using the
equity method of accounting and not consolidated.
Review the financial statement disclosures for related party transactions.
Review the policies and year-ends applied by the components to ensure they
are consistent across the group.
Reconcile inter-company balances and ensure they cancel out in the group
financial statements.
Assess the reasonableness of the client's goodwill impairment review to ensure
goodwill is not overstated.
Calculate any goodwill on acquisition arising in the year paying special attention
Consideration paid – agree to bank statements.
Acquisition related costs – ensure they have been expensed and not
Contingent consideration – whether this has been valued at fair value
taking into account the probability and timing of payment.
Deferred consideration – should be discounted to present value.