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P. 207

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                           Review engagements

               2.1  Review of financial statements and interim financial statements

                                    Review of financial                 Review of interim financial
                                    statements                          statements

               Professional         ISRE 2400 Engagements to            ISRE 2410 Review of Interim
               guidance             Review Historical Financial         Financial Information
                                    Statements                          Performed by the Independent
                                                                        Auditor of the Entity

               Which                Companies which do not              In many countries, listed
               companies            require a statutory audit may       companies are required to
                                    have a review of its financial      publish a half-yearly interim
                                    statements in order to provide      report containing a summarised
                                    some assurance and improve          statement of profit or loss for
                                    credibility of the financial        the first six months of the
                                    statements.                         financial year as well as certain
                                                                        statement of financial position
                                                                        information and notes.

               Objective            ‘The objective of a review of       ‘The objective of an
                                    financial statements is to          engagement to review interim
                                    enable an auditor to state          financial information is to
                                    whether, on the basis of            enable the auditor to express a
                                    procedures that do not provide      conclusion whether, on the
                                    all the evidence that would be      basis of the review, anything
                                    required in an audit, anything      has come to the auditor’s
                                    has come to the auditor’s           attention that causes the
                                    attention that causes the           auditor to believe that the
                                    auditor to believe that the         interim financial information is
                                    financial statements are not        not prepared, in all material
                                    prepared, in all material           respects, in accordance with an
                                    respects, in accordance with an  applicable financial reporting
                                    identified financial reporting      framework.’

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