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P. 196
Chapter 8
6.2 Incremental budgets, zero-based budgets (ZBB) and rolling budgets
Type of budget Suitability Advantages
Incremental – Stable business Quick, low cost and
starts with the easy
previous period’s Good cost control
budget or actual Managers not
results and adjusts Limited discretionary demotivated by targets
these by an costs changing regularly
amount to cover Fine if historic figures
inflation or other accurate
expected changes
ZBB – each Fast moving Inefficient/obsolete
element of the business operations identified
budget is justified and removed
as if the activity to Historic figures
which the budget inaccurate Better resource
relates is being allocation
undertaken for the High discretionary
first time costs Involvement of
managers improves
ZBB stages: Public sector knowledge and
organisations motivation
(1) Managers identify
activities that can be Responds to changes
individually evaluated in the business
(2) The costs and
benefits of each
activity are included
in a decision package
(3) The activities are
(4) Resources allocated
to various packages