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P. 300

Chapter 14

                           Information systems at different

                           business levels

                             A management information system (MIS) converts internal and external
                             data into useful information which is then communicated to managers at
                             all levels/functions to enable them to make timely and effective
                             decisions for planning, directing and controlling activities.

               Key types of MIS

             Executive information             Decision support                   Expert system

             system (EIS)                      system (DSS)
                                                                                      Hold specialist
                  For senior                       Aids management                   knowledge, e.g.
                   executives                        decisions                         law, taxation

                  User friendly                    System predicts                  Non-experts can

                   internal and                      possible                          utilise for advice
                   external                          consequences of                   and assistance in

                   information                       possible scenarios                decision making

                  Option to ‘drill’                Managers then use
                   down to obtain                    judgement to make
                   detail                            decisions

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