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P. 57

Advanced Costing Methods

                          Environmental Management Accounting

               10.1 Context

               Organisations are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of their


                           Is concerned with the accounting information needs of managers;
                 1         identifying and estimating the costs of environment-related activities
                           and seeking control of these costs.

               Types of environmental cost              Comment

               Conventional costs, e.g. energy,              Traditional management accounting
               raw material                                   systems would have hidden these in
                                                              overheads hindering identification and

                                                             EMA identifies and separately monitors
                                                              the usage of, say, energy and material.

               Contingent costs, e.g. future                 In the past these were ignored by
               compliance or decommissioning                  managers, who tended to focus on the
               costs                                          short-term.

                                                             EMA estimates these costs, builds them
                                                              into project appraisal and seeks to
                                                              reduce them, e.g. through process re-

               Relationship costs, e.g. image                raditionally ignored by managers who
               costs relating to production of                were unaware of existence.
               environmental information for the
               public                                        EMA makes managers aware of these
                                                              costs in order to focus their attention on
                                                              managing the risk of them occurring.

               Reputational costs, e.g. lost sales           As for relationship costs.
               due to failure to address
               environmental issues

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