Page 152 - AA Integrated Workbook STUDENT 2018-19
P. 152

Chapter 83 4

                                Control deficiency                   Recommendation

               Poor             Sales orders are not                 Orders should be sequentially
               answer           sequentially numbered.               numbered.

                                Deficiency is not explained.         Recommendation is not sufficiently
                                Why does it matter if the sales      detailed. How does the client know
                                orders are not sequentially          the sequence is complete?

               Better           Sales orders are not                 Orders should be sequentially
               answer           sequentially numbered.               numbered.

                                Orders will be difficult to trace    A sequence check should be
                                and orders may not be fulfilled.     performed and any breaks in the
                                                                     sequence investigated and
                                Deficiency is still not fully        resolved.
                                What are the consequences to         Recommendation is now
                                the company if they have             sufficiently detailed.
                                unfulfilled orders?

               Good             Sales orders are not                 Orders should be sequentially
               answer           sequentially numbered.               numbered.

                                Orders will be difficult to trace    A sequence check should be
                                and orders may not be fulfilled.     performed and any breaks in the
                                                                     sequence investigated and
                                Customers will be dissatisfied if    resolved.
                                orders are not fulfilled resulting
                                in complaints and loss of future     Recommendation is sufficiently
                                revenue.                             detailed.

                                Deficiency is now fully explained
                                as a business risk.

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