Page 193 - AA Integrated Workbook STUDENT 2018-19
P. 193


                           Accounting estimates

                             There are many accounting estimates in the financial statements, e.g.
                             allowances for receivables, depreciation of property, plant and
                             equipment, provisions, etc.

                             Accounting estimates are inherently risky because they are about the
                             future, are often not supported by documentary evidence and therefore
                             accuracy may not be able to be verified.

               11.1 Key assertions

                    Completeness

                    Accuracy/valuation

                    Cut-off

               11.2 Sources of evidence

                    Board minutes

                    Enquiry with management

                    Written representation

                    Cash book/bank statements

                    Purchase invoices

               11.3 Key areas to consider

                    Basis of estimate

                    Scope for manipulation

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