Page 204 - AA Integrated Workbook STUDENT 2018-19
P. 204

Chapter 11 3 4

                           Subsequent events

                             ISA 560 Subsequent Events requires the auditor to obtain sufficient
                             appropriate evidence that subsequent events occurring between the
                             date of the financial statements and the date of the auditor's report have
                             been appropriately accounted for in accordance with IAS 10 Events
                             After the Reporting Period.

               1.1  Adjusting and non-adjusting events

               Adjusting events                               Non-adjusting events

               Provide additional evidence about              Provide evidence about conditions
               conditions existing at the statement of        arising after the statement of financial
               financial position date.                       position date.

                    Trade receivables become                     Fire destroys inventory after the
                     irrecoverable debts                           year-end

                    Inventory held at year-end is sold           Injury resulting in legal action
                     for less than cost after year-end             occurs after year-end

                    Estimate for a provision is revised          Takeover

               Adjusting events must be adjusted in the       Non-adjusting events must be disclosed
               financial statements i.e. a DR and CR          in the notes to the financial statements if
               posted to correct the figure.                  material.

               If a non-adjusting event impacts the going concern assumption, the event becomes
               an adjusting event as the going concern basis of preparation may no longer be

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