Page 9 - CIMA MCS Workbook August 2018 - Day 2 Suggested Solution
P. 9
Human Resources
The process of recruitment involves finding a number of suitable candidates for the management
vacancies available. In our case we are looking to recruit new members of staff with some skills
that other staff members (gym assistant managers) currently do possess, so we are already one
step ahead in terms of managing the process effectively to ensure we find the right people.
There are a number of elements to the recruitment process:
Firstly, agreeing the vacancies that are required. In our case, we do not require a new skill set in
the operational aspects of the company. It is important that we correctly define our
This leads on to the job analysis, which will determine what the job holders are expected to do.
How are we going to achieve our organisational objectives by using their skills effectively? In our
case we will need to carefully research this, we do not want to duplicate roles with the additional
staff members.
After collecting information and analysing the requirements, we can set out the role content so
that a job description can be prepared. With wide-ranging geographical locations to consider, it is
important that we understand the potential source of candidates.
The detailed job description should include the job title, purpose in relation to the overall
objectives, responsibility and relationships in the organisation. We will need to emphasise the
fact that there are relatively few staff members onsite and there is a requirement to integrate
effectively, building good relationships with others.
The principal duties will need to be defined. This is particularly important as we are looking for
specific skills e.g. good people skills, management experience and also knowledge of the fitness
sector. We will also need to include remuneration and working conditions.
At this stage the person specification must be drawn up. This should include a person’s
background, attainments, disposition, physical make up, interests, and any special attributes. This
has also been referred to as the ‘five-point plan’ and can be described as:
• Flexibility and adjustment, emotional stability, ability to get on with others
• Impact on other people, appearance speech and manner
• Required qualifications, education, training and experience
• Motivation, determination and achievement
• Innate abilities, comprehension and aptitude for learning
Candidates can then be sourced.
The advantages of having a dedicated HR professional at GymFit
A dedicated HR professional can help us in many ways.