Page 115 - Unisa Test 4 Manac Slides
P. 115


            Advantages of EVA

            • EVA achieves goal congruence (as the interests of the
                company as a whole are considered).

            • Non-financial factors (e.g. competitiveness, productivity,

                quality, etc) should be incorporated in performance measures
                in order to mitigate the short-term orientation of managers.

            • EVA adjusts for distortions introduced by generally accepted
                accounting principles into the divisional performance measure

                to measure economic performance (the starting point though,
                is the accounting profit based on historic costs and not future

                cash flows).

            • Managers are encouraged to ‘think” in the same way as
                shareholders:                     EVA             actively              encourages                    increasing

                shareholders’ wealth.

            • Under-utilised assets are identified.

            • Puts emphasis on the achievement of long-term goals and

                shows the benefits of research and development expenditure,
                training and marketing costs.

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