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P. 185

Environmental management accounting

                           EMA techniques

                             Three key EMA techniques

                             1                             2                               3

                           ABC                     Lifecycle costing           Flow cost accounting
                  Environmental costs           Considers whole                Looks at material
                    hidden within                  cost of product over           flows and losses at
                    overheads are                  its whole life rather          different stages of
                    separately identified          than single                    production process
                                                   accounting period
                  Cost drivers are                                              Aims to reduce
                    identified                   Ensures all                     material quantities
                                                   environmental                  and wastage
                  Product costs more
                    realistic                      costs, e.g.                   Related to input
                  Reducing incidence              are taken into                 output analysis
                    of cost drivers                account ensuring               which focuses on
                    reduces costs                  product viability              waste in processes

                                                 Considers how
                                                   environmental costs
                                                   can be reduced
                                                   from the outset, e.g.
                                                   through careful

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