Page 26 - MCOM 2016 CASE STUDY 1
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               MATTERS TO CONSIDER

               1.      In  relation  to  the  S$58  billion  fine  by  the  government  of  Nakolia,  MCOM  received  a  fine  letter
                       from the NTRA  but did not record it yet as it wants to challenge it in a Nakolian   court  of  law.
                       The NTRA has  confirmed  it  will  wait  for  the  outcome  of  the  court  ruling  before  it  enforces  the

                       payment of the fine.

               2.      In  the  2015  4   quarter  meeting  of  the  MCOM  Board,  a  decision  was  taken  to  fast  track  the
                       transformation  of  its  operating  model  and  also  monetise  its  passive  infrastructure  and  non-
                       core  assets  by  availing  network  towers  for  immediate  sale  in  their  present  condition,  as  a
                       precaution in case the NTRA fine stands. Sidoms Limited, a world-wide company that provides

                       managed services, deployment and site  ownership services in the telecoms sector has put in an
                       offer. On 31 December 2015, the carrying amount of the towers and the fair value was $20 billion.

               3.      MCOM having accepted the offer from Sidoms Limited, has instructed its legal advisers to draft
                       the sales contract to conclude the sale, for which a quote of S$5million has been received.

               4.      Towerdom,  a  subsidiary  of  Sidoms  entered  into  an  operating  lease  agreement  with  MCOM  to
                       lease out its tower equipment for a period of 10 years with effect from 1  of March 2016. MCOM
                       will be required to pay $200million a month in arrears.

               5.      On the 31  of December 2015, Management tested goodwill for impairment and discovered that it
                       had been impaired by $4862m which had yet to be recorded.

               6.      Management considers 1.4% of group turnover as its benchmark for materiality.

                    --------------------THE END-------------------

                                                                               The CFO Business Case Study Competition 2016 Pack
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