Page 1 - parrafo-4 Nicolecevallos
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Universidad Técnica de Ambato
Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas nacionales y extranjeros
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la educación
English writing I
Name: Nicole Cevallos
Course: 2 “B”
Date: December 26, 2017.
Describe a one paragraph
Choosing a topic
Step 1: Make a lot of cause and effect
Cause Effect
He likes to save lives Risk that getting cancer
A firefighter is friendly and He does things selflessly
He loves to do this job and protect Risk in your life
Step 2 : Write an outline.
❖ Outline
Topic sentence: Firefighter
I. He likes to save lives.
a) Exposing your life.
b) Risk that getting cancer.
II. A firefighter is friendly and supportive.
a) He does things selflessly.
b) To know many people.
III. He loves to do this job and protect people. .
a) Risk in your life
Step 3: Write a paragraph.