Page 2 - parrafo-4 Nicolecevallos
P. 2
Firefighters are essential in public safety. While those who want to join the fire
department often only think of the positive side of work, which includes a high salary,
but there is also a downside. A firefighter often puts himself at risk. Not only fire, but
also exposed too many other hazards related to work. [First, the person who wants to be
a firefighter is because he likes to save lives without thinking about the risk that runs like
getting cancer. This is due to the fact that they expose frequently to chemical products.]
[Secondly, a firefighter is very friendly and supportive, which has the consequence that
he does things selflessly and manages to rescue someone from danger, but on the other
hand he knows many people.] [Finally, a firefighter loves to do his job and protect people
but this can cause many risks in his life such as having a blow or suffering a fall that
makes him lose some movement of his body or not to walk again.] In conclusion, being
a firefighter is a very beautiful profession but at the same time dangerous.
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