Page 2 - YEARBOOK 21.22
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Hello AISF Community!
          We have reached the end of another school year…the third year of the pandemic!  I am so glad that we have
          been gradually able to open up and begin to allow parents and visitors back to campus and slowly rebuild our
          sense of community.  And I am so glad that I no longer feel that this year’s Yearbook should be entitled A
          Journal of the Plague Years!
          What am I really enthused about as we reach the end of the year?  I remain excited about our new programs—
          the International Early Years Curriculum for our youngest learners, the International Primary Curriculum for our
          students aged 5 to 10, and VHS in our High School.  These programs have helped AISF bringing learning alive!
          The Exit Points of the IEYC and IPC have been a highlight of the year as we invited parents onto campus to hear
          the children explain their learning and their understandings.

          As we look to next year, we are expecting an unheard of 7 or 8 students in our High School program.  I know
          that is still a tiny number, but it will the largest cohort that AISF has ever had!

          I am happy to work at this little gem of a school with our wonderful children and caring staff—it truly is the
          small school with a big heart!

          At this time of year, one has to offer some thanks.  First of all, a huge thank you to the parents who trust us to
          safeguard and guide their children—it is an awesome act of trust.  Thanks, of course, to the teachers, assistants,
          and support staff who care for our students and keep the school functioning.  I would like to thank AISF’s Board
          of Directors, led by Karim Kone, for their patience, wisdom, and support!  Equally, I would like to thank the US
          Embassy for its unfailing support and assistance to the school.

          To all of those families leaving us at the end of this year, we wish safe travels and much happiness!  To you all, I
          wish a happy summer and school vacation!
          Lastly and sadly, AISF bids farewell to Kim Gardner who has been with us since 2016.  Kim has given her heart
          and soul to the school, the children in her care, and to all of us.  Thank you, Kim, and safe travels!

          Brian Roach
          AISF Director
          June 2022

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