Page 2 - 2020.21 Yearbook
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Hello AISF Community!

                                      What a school year it has been!  I would never in my life have thought that I
                                       would consider the greatest success of a school year simply remaining open.  But
                                      that is the kind of year that it has been!  And despite—or perhaps because of—
                                      the masks, the handwashing, the myriad restrictions, our students have been in
                                      school and learning and, I very much hope, having fun!

                                      A year ago at this time, I wrote the following for last year’s yearbook, “As I write
                                      this introduction to the 2019-20 AISF Yearbook in May, our AISF community is
                                      scattered across the globe…. Never fear, the future is bright and we will be
                                      together again.”

          I look back at that, written a year ago, and ponder the journey between now and then.  We are no longer
          scattered across the globe, but we haven’t been together in the way that we would all have liked.  If my greatest
          joy is that this school, unlike many in the world, has been open throughout almost the entire year, my greatest
          regret is that we haven’t been able to welcome the parent community to campus to see their children’s learning.
          For that, I am truly sorry.  I hope to see many of you again next year.

          I would like to thank AISF’s Board of Directors, led by Karim Kone, for their patience, wisdom, and support as the
          school has charted its course through the pandemic!  Equally, I would like to thank the US Embassy for its
          unfailing support and assistance to the school.  And I would like to offer a special thank you to one of our
          outgoing parents—Tushar Singh, the CDC Country Director—for offering so generously of his time, his advice, and
          his expertise as the school continued to develop and refine its plans to keep our students and our community as
          safe as we possibly could.

          One day, we will be able to look back on these times and smile.  For the moment, I look forward to 2021—22 with
          enthusiasm and hope!
          To all of those families leaving us at the end of this year, we wish safe travels and much happiness!  To you all, I
          wish a happy summer and school vacation!

          Brian Roach
          AISF Director
          June 2021

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