Page 24 - Demo
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  Doing Business in Brazil
 According to the Labor Legislation
it is considered to be an employee
a person who provides services with all characteristic elements of the employment relationship, which are: personal service, subordination, remuneration, and no casualness.
The employment relations in Brazil are mostly governed by the Brazilian Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), the Brazilian Federal Constitution and the Collective Bargaining Contracts and Conventions, which also have
an important role in the labor relationships.
At the moment of the recruitment, in addition to the signature of the employment contract, the employer must also sign the Employment Booklet (internally called CTPS – Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social).
According to the Labor Legislation it is considered to be an employee a person who provides services with all characteristic elements of the employment relationship, which are: personal service, subordination, remuneration, and no casualness.
1. Basic Rights of the Employees
1.1 Salary
Article 3 of the CLT defines as
a requisite of the employment relationship that the employee
be compensated for the services rendered to the employer. This compensation cannot be less than the minimum salary established
by the government, which is approximately R$ 998.00 (for 2019 calendar year; note that each year, on 1st of January the minimum wage is adjusted due to the inflation).
Important to highlight that Collective Bargaining Agreements

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