Page 25 - Demo
P. 25
Employment Relations
or Conventions can predict a higher minimum wage to be paid to a certain category of employees.
1.2 Paid vacation time
Article 134 of the CLT provides that vacation time shall be granted to the employee whenever the employer considers convenient after 12 months of employment. This vacation time must be enjoyed within the 12-month period subsequent to the date on which the employee has earned
the right to vacation. The annual vacations shall be paid, with an additional minimum of one third of the employees’ normal salary.
Vacations must be granted in a single period and the employee shall be advised with at least 30 days in advance. In exceptional cases, with the accordance of the employee,
the vacation can be taken in up to three periods, one of which cannot be less than 14 consecutive days and the others cannot be less than 5 consecutive days, each.
In the event of termination of
the employment contract by
the employer before the end of
12 months of employment, the employee will have the right to receive the proportional amount corresponding to the worked period, plus an additional month of prior notice.
1.3 13th Salary (Christmas Bonus)
The employee has the right to a 13th salary equivalent to his normal
monthly compensation. The 13th salary is owed in December and corresponds to 1/12 of the total salary owed per month of employment in the corresponding year.
1.4 Additional for Dangerous ac- tivities and Unhealthy Conditions at the Work Place:
If the employee is subject to work in dangerous activities or in a place that does not have outstanding hygiene conditions, he/she shall be entitled
to receive an additional of up to 30% of the salary, relative to dangerous activities or an additional that can be of 10%, 20% or 40% of the minimum wage depending on the unsanitary levels that the work environment offers.
1.5 Work Journey and Overtime
The daily working hours is of 8 hours and cannot exceed 44 hours a week, with 1 hour for lunch/rest per day of work. The employee may, however, add 2 hours to his daily working hours, subject to prior agreement with the employer.
In such cases, compensation for each additional hour will be at least 50% higher than the normal hour salary. This additional payment may be increased by collective bargaining conventions or agreements.
Also, employees are entitled to a paid weekly rest, preferably on Sundays. In case the employee works on Sundays or holidays he will be entitled to receive the overtime increase by