Page 23 - REVIVAL Magazine
P. 23

MODEL CITIZEN | CORRI SKILLINGSTAD “I never kept up with the fashions.
I believed in wearing what I thought
looked good on me.”
-Bettie Paige
You must become a magician while you’re in front of the camera...this has to happen  rst. You must master the
art of hypnosis and disappearing. You have to become what the character or persona requires. Secondarily, you have to believe...all else is folly.
I tell all of my models the same thing, every time: “If you don’t believe who you are, whether it’s a vampire, comic book supervillain or pinup girl, no one else will, either.” One thing I learned (and I learned it quickly): Corri Skillingstad’s a believer. She’s Houdini.
College is very much a foxhole situation...and depending on the day, project or general
level of stress, it can easily and quickly propagate and mutate into trench warfare. If the contagion theory, (which posits that the crowds infects the
people in it) is true, then the same is true for creative collaboration...or any collaborative e ort, for that matter.
Corri handled everything I threw at her-and God knows I threw a lot-with an even, e cient exuberance. Mind you, I was putting together this large-scale tomfoolery on top of the core classes for which we were all responsible. Corri didn’t complain. Not once.
Pablo Picasso famously said “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. “ Nowhere in my life, has this been evidenced and proven more than in the design world. Being taxed beyond the limit of what you believe you can do shows you what you truly can do.
machine. To be, while in the throws of creating, possessed of singular focus, with no distraction. To exhaust myself in the mission of great storytelling.
To the intrepid few who went further, took chances, and said yes when everyone else said no...I am forever grateful. Thank you for always venturing with me in to what Robert Louis Stevenson called “this dark chest of wonders.”
And to Corrie Skillingstad...who helped me spark that storm, and truly started it all with me. You’re the original face of Revival, and one of the best, hardest working models
I could ever have asked for. None of this would have happened, or be happening still, if it weren’t for you. Thank you, always.
“Behind the Scenes”
December 2015
esign is what taught me to be fearless, to be my authentic, creative self, and to never
be resigned to life as a small
cog in the giant corporate

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