Page 5 - SCICU - College Guide (2018-2019)
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SCICU…Providing Opportunities
for Excellence
FOUNDED • South Carolina Independent Colleges SCICU Staff
and Universities, Inc. was established in 1953 to
promote independent higher education in South Mike LeFever
Carolina. President & CEO
MEMBERSHIP • To be eligible for membership
in SCICU, an institution must meet the following Eddie Shannon
criteria: (1) Be a two or four-year college or university Executive Vice President
with its primary emphasis on the liberal arts, (2) Have
received qualified accreditation by the Southern
Brenda Torrence
Association of Colleges and Schools, (3) Must be a
Director of Finance
non-profit institution, and (4) Be headquartered in
and Administration
South Carolina.
MEMBERS • SCICU represents 20 independent
Shay Shealy West
colleges and universities, each with a unique
Director of
historical, cultural, and in many instances, Communications
denominational background, including five
historically black colleges and universities, two
women’s colleges, and one two-year college.
MISSION • SCICU supports and promotes the values
of independent higher education in South Carolina.
SCICU seeks to advance higher education through
fundraising, scholarships, and research, as well as
by facilitating collaborative activities among the
member institutions. SCICU also enhances a positive
South Carolina
public image and encourages government policies
Independent Colleges
that support independent higher education.
and Universities, Inc.
MANAGEMENT • A board of trustees composed of
P.O. Box 12007
the presidents from each member institution and
Columbia, SC 29211
business and community leaders from across the
state directs SCICU.
1706 Senate Street
TAX STATUS • SCICU is a tax-exempt, non-profit Columbia, SC 29201
corporation. SCICU has been designated a 501 (c)
(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service and Phone: (803) 799-7122
all contributions are tax deductible. Contributions Fax: (803) 254-7504
should be made payable to SCICU and mailed to P.O.
Box 12007, Columbia, SC 29211.